One of the most common injuries that runners and regular people have alike is the stabbing pain that they feel among their heel, this condition is called plantar fasciitis or the inflammation of the plantar fascia, the tissue that connects your heels all the way to your toes.
Most avid runners, marathoners, and even joggers experience the kind of discomfort brought by plantar fasciitis, but this kind of injury, however is highly treatable and can subside and completely goes away in just a matter of months, but a lot of people cannot take the pain and the discomfort brought by plantar fasciitis, and to speed up the healing process of the inflamed tissue, all you need to do is to see a doctor instead of self-medicate.
When it comes to diagnosing plantar fasciitis, the doctor will thoroughly examine the injured foot to find out where the source of pain comes from, and this exam, together with some of your medical history will help the doctor to come up with the proper diagnose of your foot’s condition.
Just like other injuries that involves muscular or skeletal part of your body, you are also required to undergo imaging tests so that the doctor can also pinpoint the source of the pain, this is just to ensure that there is nothing worse than plantar fasciitis that causes the pain in your foot.
If you have this kind of injury, you usually feel a sharp or stinging pain just like you stepped on something sharp or hard at the bottom of your heel or the arch of your foot. A lot of people describe the pain like a bruise or an ache if it touches the ground, and the pain subsides in a matter of minutes of walking and warming up your body, but the painful sensation will return as you continue to either run or walk.
To find out some of the most notable symptoms of having plantar fasciitis here is a list of it.
- Pain after a lengthy rest- If the pain does not subside after resting your foot for a good amount of time, especially you rested it during the entire night, you are suddenly surprised with the sudden sharp pain at the heel of your foot and this means that your plantar fascia is suffering from this kind of injury, this means you need to see a doctor immediately.
- Feels pain after a prolonged activity- Similar to resting it prolonged, having a prolonged activity will also cause the plantar fasciitis to bother you because of the strain that the tissue experiences that results to pain.
- Tender feel around the heel area- One of the telltale signs that you have severe plantar fasciitis is the heel tenderness that you feel especially if you try to press the bottom of your heel which makes it very painful.
- It hurts when you flex it- Flexing your foot and toes upward or stretching it towards your shin causes your heel to hurt, and this kind of symptom could get worse if the person also suffers from another common foot injury, the Achilles tendonitis.
You can choose what type of treatment you want to ask from your doctor to ease the pain and inflammation of your foot. You can either be prescribed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid injection, physical therapy or heel strengthening exercises and for more information about the most effective treatments to this injury visit this link