Corns Treatment

Hard Corns Treatment

With one difference, the treatment of hard corn is nearly identical to that of calluses. Because hard corn is essentially a callus with a deep hard centre, the centre must be removed once the callus is gone. This is referred to as the “enucleation” of the centre.

Removing the centre, known as enucleation, will create a depression or hole in the foot tissue. The body will naturally fill this with healthy tissue over time as it heals. However, while the cavity heals, it is frequently filled with a gel (polymer, silicon, or acrylic) that suppresses additional corn growth.

Corn treatment, like callus treatment, is frequently restricted to a single episode. However, if the corn is large, in a problematic location, or has been present for years (i.e., is chronic corn), additional treatments may be required to resolve it. A podiatrist or chiropodist will decide this during the 6 – 8 week review.

Soft Corn treatment

Soft corns, like hard corns, require the excision of dead tissue using a scalpel. However, because the skin is not hard but “macerated” by fluid, white soft tissue can be carefully separated from healthy tissue.

Because sweat gathers between the toes and the toes rub against each other, a toe separator is frequently required. This device separates the toes, allowing sweat to evaporate and preventing the toes from touching together.

A podiatrist or chiropodist may recommend that the patient give special attention to cleaning and drying the toes and the web areas between them as part of the treatment. Furthermore, surgical spirit (alcohol) can be utilised on soft corns. When the surgical spirit is applied to the skin and allowed to evaporate, it dries off the skin cells while also sterilising the area.

Seed corn treatment

Seed corns are connected with dry skin (anhidrosis). Treatment consists of removing the small corns and applying an emollient – commonly incorporating Urea cream. An emollient cream retains water in the skin, keeping it wet and preventing it from drying out.

Because seed corns are generally many, patients are routinely reviewed three months following therapy to assess if any further treatment is required.

Subungual corn treatment (corns situated under the nails)

Subungual corns (corns under the toenails) are extremely difficult to treat. With the nail still in place, getting to the corn is impossible. As a result, to cure the corn, the nail must be removed. A podiatrist or chiropodist will usually only need to trim back the nail enough to expose the corn. However, in some circumstances, the entire nail may need to be removed.

The corn can be removed using a scalpel once the nail has been trimmed or removed. Because it is critical not to get the corn back, a caustic chemical such as silver nitrate can be used to damage the corn tissue in most circumstances. If the corn can be eradicated, the nail may not need to be removed again.

With subungual corns, it is critical to check on the patient every 2-3 weeks to ensure that the nail is growing back healthily and that the corn has not recurred.

Neurovascular corn treatment

Neurovascular corns are those that include both nerves and blood vessels. Because most corns include merely dead tissue, neurovascular corns are more difficult to treat. In addition, they are sensitive and can be unpleasant to cure; if removed, they can bleed. As a result, podiatrists and chiropodists typically remove them using local anaesthesia.

Neurovascular corns require significant excision to remove, and bleeding may occur. An acidic, such as silver nitrate, can be employed to aid in the destruction of corn tissue. Unfortunately, they frequently reoccur and necessitate additional therapy. Fortunately, they are uncommon.

Patients are followed up on and reviewed every 6 to 8 weeks to determine if additional therapy is required, unless silver nitrate is utilised, in which case the patient is reviewed weekly.