A Comprehensive Guide On Everything You Should Know About The Photorejuvenation Skin Treatment

Photo refers to light. So, basically, photorejuvenation is a treatment that makes use of light in order to treat skin disorders. You can also call it IPL or Induced Pulsed Light treatment. This skin management treatment is effective on all the lighter skin-tones, but not on black skin. The treatment involves exposing the skin, to be treated, with pulses having different wavelengths. The pulses, once absorbed by the cells, attack uneven dark pigments. It destroys all the darker pigments from the skin’s inner, second, layer. Thus, you get a spot free look. And this is why the treatment is also known as a color-correcting procedure.

Benefits Of The Treatment:

Now that you know how regulated light pulses can correct spots, it’s time that you explore some more benefits of this skin treatment. The best ones are listed below.

  • This treatment is also an anti-aging procedure that can dramatically reduce the appearance of fine lines, dark circles, and wrinkles. Since the light pulses infuse some life in the damaged and dormant collagen, the first response is cell generation. Once the new cells replace the dead old ones, the skin automatically looks younger and healthier.
  • The light pulses hamper melanin secretion that’s caused by sun exposure. In other words, it can repair the sun-damaged skin. Once you take a few sittings, the skin looks less pigmented and patchy.

Additionally, this light-based solution can help people suffering from rosacea too.

Precautions To Follow Before The Treatment:

You have to prepare your skin before undergoing the pulsed light treatment. The most important of those preparation steps that shouldn’t be ignored are unfolded below. Also, you should start them 10-15 days before the treatment.

  • Avoid sun
  • Avoid chemical-based products
  • Avoid retinol skin products
  • Use sunscreen regularly
  • Avoid threading and waxing
  • Avoid taking peeling and other abrasive treatments on the target area

Precautions To Follow After The Treatment:

The skin needs rest and care after the treatment. Though there’s no downtime since this is a non-abrasive treatment, yet you should take the following precautions.

  • Avoid direct sun at least for the first 2 days.
  • Do not use your regular creams until advised by your doctor.
  • Apply sunscreen as often as you need, even indoors.
  • Do not rub the treated skin with a towel.
  • Do not wash the skin with too hot water.

Also, always take the anti-inflammatory and antibiotic medicines, if any,  given by the doctor. Lastly, visit the doctor immediately in case you experience itching or burning.