5 Things You Must Know About Kegel Exercises for Women

Kegel exercises for women are meant to strengthen pelvic muscles. The pelvis is an integral part of the body responsible for holding reproduction organs. A weak pelvic floor causes various health issues that affect daily lives. For instance, a weak pelvic muscle causes inability to control your bladder.

What are some signs of weak pelvic muscles?

  • Urine leakage when running, coughing, laughing or sneezing
  • Reduced vaginal sensation
  • Bulging at the vaginal opening
  • Heaviness sensation in the vagina
  • Failure to reach the toilet on time

What weakens pelvic muscles? 

Several factors weaken pelvic floors. Some of these include:

  • Uterine weight support during pregnancy
  • Normal childbirth (vaginal) stretches muscles
  • Obesity
  • Intense or chronic constipation
  • Continuous coughing
  • Surgeries that require muscles to be cut
  • Reduced amount of estrogen hormone after menopause

Are there complications of weak pelvic muscles? 

Lack of bladder control remains a common effect of weak pelvic muscles. It adversely affects women leading to isolation and low self-esteem. In others, weak muscles affect bowel control. They experience bowel incontinence. Affected individuals don’t reach the toilet in time to pass feces or wind.

Weak pelvic muscles also affect sex life due to the reduced vaginal sensation. As the situation worsens, internal organs such as the bladder and uterus sag into the vagina. A condition commonly referred to as prolapse. Symptoms such as deep, persistent vaginal pain accompany prolapse.

How is Kegel exercise performed? 

They can be performed while standing, lying down and sitting. For satisfactory results, strive to do these exercises five times a day.
Before you begin, focus on your pelvic muscles by relaxing your abdominal muscles. Breathe and squeeze all sphincter muscles. Increase tension until all muscles are hard then gently release. Kegel exercise for women is simple and straightforward.

Finding the right muscle is not easy for beginners. You can insert one finger into your vagina then tighten the vaginal muscles. Alternatively, you can try stopping urine mid-way. Muscles in play in both of these exercises are pelvic muscles. At first, it may feel awkward, but you will get used to it with time since your muscles adjust to contraction and relaxation.

Stopping of urine passage is recommended for learning. It’s not advisable to start and stop urine frequently since it increases the chances of developing urinary tract infection. If doubting whether you have found your pelvic muscles during the exercise, talk to your gynecologist.

Is kegel exercise for women only? 

Men also develop issues with pelvic muscles. It may occur after prostate surgery. For men, finding the muscle during exercise can be achieved when you tense muscles when passing gas.

Kegel exercise for women remains an effective way of managing pelvic muscle problems. If symptoms persist, please seek medical assistance.